usage: java -jar parsx-konverter.jar [-c <name>] [--debug] [--headless] -i <path> [-id <id>] [-o <path>] [--oxygen-dir <path>] [--oxygen-edition <edition>] -p <process> [--save-log] [--temp-dir <path>] [-v] -c,--config <name> a) Either the name of a local ConfigSetting to be used for production (without 'cfg.' prefix) b) Or an absolute file path to a ConfigSetting folder (including 'cfg.' prefix) -> Required if running headless! --debug Run converter in debug mode --headless Run converter without GUI -i,--input <path> Absolute path to input XML file -id,--product-id <id> XML ID of the <auspraegung> element to be produced. -o,--output <path> Output path/filename a) Either an absolute path to an output directory (filename will be generated) b) Or an absolute file path including a fixed output filename c) Or a basic filename to be created in the input directory If option is missing, output file will be generated in input directory --oxygen-dir <path> Absolute path to oxygen install directory --oxygen-edition <edition> Edition of oxygen XML Editor Supported values: [editor, author] -p,--process <process> Processing mode. Supported values: [konverter, jobticket] --save-log Save production log as TXT in output dir --temp-dir <path> Alternative temp directory for the temporary production files Supported values: Absolute or relative path or a dot (.) for current dir -v,--verbose Show debug messages in CLI
![]() | Info zu Temp-Verzeichnissen |
Wenn mehrere Konverter-Instanzen parallel aufgerufen werden (z.B. aus einem MAM-System heraus) und die selben Formate produzieren sollen (z.B. EPUB3), dann muss das MAM-System dafür Sorge tragen, dass in den verschiedenen Konverter-Instanzen auch unterschiedliche Temp-Verzeichnisse per Parameter |